The cleaning is often one of the most dreaded parts of a patient’s dental visit. However, by understanding it a little bit better, you may find that there isn’t anything to be concerned about and also realize the importance of getting regular cleanings.
Nothing strikes fear into the heart of dental patients quite like the words ‘root canal treatment’.
Sealants coat the enamel of molars and premolars in a thin plastic coating that blocks sugars and bacteria from contacting your tooth’s surface.
Children often receive more x-rays than adults due to their rapid growth and to make sure that their permanent teeth are developing appropriately.
It can be embarrassing for many patients to be able to talk with friends and family about their dental health and for these reasons, dentures may also be surrounded in your mind with a negative stigma.
Mouthguards are not appropriate for every person, but dentists see too many patients who should be using mouthguards and are not and it is essential to understand when you should consider using a mouthguard.
At Town Center Dentistry, we strive to give you the best quality service possible. From regular checkups to full-mouth restorations, we can give you the smile that you have always wanted!